Task: Read a book where a character is always ready to help, takes care of others or is often taken advantage of.
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Best You by Keith Yocum (180 pages)
Read by: Read a book with only one cover image on Goodreads (i.e. there is only one edition, or if there is more than one edition, all editions have the same cover art)
Added: Aug. 7, 2022, 3:54 a.m.
Task: Read a book with only one cover image on Goodreads (i.e. there is only one edition, or if there is more than one edition, all editions have the same cover art)
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank (283 pages)
Read by: Read a book shelved (listed on the first page on GR) as german - plurals and spelling acceptable
Added: Aug. 7, 2022, 3:52 a.m.
Task: Read a book shelved (listed on the first page on GR) as german - plurals and spelling acceptable